Gone Surfing
by Stephane Poirier
Gone Surfing
Stephane Poirier
Digital Art - Digital
Fractal art derived from Canadian Andre Labbe 1999 car painting entitled Magicvan3000 and part of the fractal magicvan3000 ocean rinconmobile images collection. The Offworld Technologies Corporation promotional vehicle magicvan3000 was a 1971 VW bus driven around in Southern California USA between 1997 and 2001 by Offworld Technologies Corporation's CXO Stephane Poirier - SPI or simply spi from the source code. In 2020, Offworld Technologies Corporation is now SPI CORP. HA-ORG, OIFII-ORG, FM-ORG and SPI CORP founder, Stephane Poirier, develops the software that produces fractal artworks at super resolution. Fractal Montreal also produces algorithmic videos derived from fractal and vorotrans artworks that can even be synchronized on your audio tracks and live events. For details see FractalMontreal.ORG at https://www.fractalmontreal.org. As of June 2020, VOROTRANS videos and super resolution images are being revised to be more colorful and print on-demand friendly. This is a great opportunity for music artists and producers to get very original new graphics, vj loops and vj set footage. For details, see the contact section from Fractal Montreal's link here above using code FM-ORG in the subject.
June 12th, 2020