Congo Deforestation
by Stephane Poirier
Congo Deforestation
Stephane Poirier
Digital Art - Digital
Vorotrans art still frame from Animal vorotrans collection presenting a natural scene. Congo Deforestation shows a gorilla in the wild.
From 6-17 November 2017, world leaders will be gathered in Bonn, Germany for COP 23.
Greenpeace Africa has organized a Wish Tree campaign. The Wish Tree will have traveled through the Congo Basin region carrying the people's voice on its branches. This Congo Basin campaign asks "Is Norwegian money funding Congo deforestation?".
Montreal-based HumanAware.ORG CxO replies don't know about that, moral entities, government officials and politicians often play hide and seek, but what I feel certain is that in 100 years most people on the earth would not want to have only vague memories about gorillas.
October 27th, 2017
Comments (2)
Karen Adams
This art form is so interesting . . . each image is intriguing and a fun exploration! I am especially drawn to this one because of the title and subject matter. Unfortunately world events have taken our eyes off all of the creatures we are putting in peril too. Hopefully, there is a change a-comin' (as the song says) . . . .f